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Understanding Hair Loss
Baldness or hair loss in both men and women is sometimes due to disease. Hair loss can be triggered by excessive weight gain or loss in a short period of time. Some hair loss is easily treated. Some is much difficult to treat.
Reasons for hair loss include:
High fever can cause temporary hair loss.
Chemotherapy drugs can cause hair loss. Hair usually grows back after chemotherapy is stopped.
Thyroid disorders- an over productive or under productive thyroid can lead to hair loss.
Genetics- some people have a built in trigger that causes the follicles to grow smaller and even shut down with age. This is known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. (more on this later)
Malnutrition- the lack of nutrients in the diet can cause hair loss. Anemia (lack of iron) can cause hair loss. Several other nutrients are also key in the production of healthy hair. This type of hair loss can easily be reversed by proper diet and/or supplements.
Traumatic stress- Can lead to hormone imbalances and cause hair loss.
Autoimmune disorders (alopecia areata)- exact causes have not been determined. Can cause hair loss from either just patches here and there to complete baldness on the whole body. Emu oil and other oils have been reported to help with this, in some cases.
Post pregnancy changes- hormone imbalances triggered during pregnancy can cause temporary hair loss.
Mechanical- excessive pulling or twisting of the hair (trichotillomania) can cause hair loss that can become permanent. Some people actually pull the hair or twist hair as a nervous habit. But, wearing the hair in styles like braids or pulled back, if done too often and too tight can lead to hair loss, which may even become permanent.
Local Scalp Conditions- Modern dermatology has concluded hair loss is triggered by several factors. These factors can include poor circulation to the scalp and sebum (natural waxy substance produced by the scalp) clogging pores. Treating these conditions, improving circulation and unclogging pores will help with this type of hair loss. Topical treatments as well as nutritional supplements can help.
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